Today I received a phone call from on of our dojo's parents and asked if we were open for classes, but before he did, he caringly asked how I was doing. He continued to say he and his family are all well, his daughter is now fourteen and six feet tall, his son is now eight, and by enthusiastically telling me all this, I can just see him smiling, and I can hear in the tone of his voice how genuinely proud he was of his family. He also spoke highly of our dojo and of myself, and I was able to easily return the favour as I've known his family since his daughter was only seven, we have history. Now you just can't get this feeling, this connection, or this type of interaction through email, text, Facebook, or Snap Chat. Let's keep it real folks, as that commercial from years ago went, "Reach out and touch someone". Stay connected people, it's vital, especially now as things tend to happen really fast.